Greetings from the President
Through its member museums—the National Museums of Modern Art in Tokyo and Kyoto, the National Crafts Museum, the National Film Archive of Japan, the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, the National Museum of Art, Osaka, and the National Art Center, Tokyo—the Independent Administrative Institution National Museum of Art develops diverse activities to serve as the national hub for art promotion.

Each museum implements a variety of unique activities, including the collection, restoration, and preservation of artworks, the collection and exhibition of valuable materials, and educational activities to deepen the understanding and familiarize many people with art and film.
In addition to research into artists and their works, the member museums carry out different and distinctive activities such as exhibitions reflecting the characteristics of the respective museums; acquisition, restoration, and conservation of art works in an effort to serve as the national collection for future generations; collection and display of valuable materials; and art-education programs to provide opportunities for more people to appreciate art and movies.
In our efforts to improve our function, to aggregate and showcase at home and abroad information on Japanese collections through collaboration with art museums in Japan, and thus to make more effective use of art works, we are currently preparing to set up a National Center for Art Research (working name).
Amidst a rapidly changing societal landscape, the National Museum of Art will continue to communicate the immutable raison d’être of art and film through various activities.
On the mission of the creation and development of Japanese art and culture, we aim to be museums for everyone and strive to serve as the national art museums through fruitful activities that help build a society that embraces diverse values of art and culture.
Osaka Eriko, President, the Independent Administrative Institution National Museum of Art